tb auth

Configures your Tinybird authentication by authenticating against a Tinybird host. The credentials are stored in the .tinyb file. See .tinyb file for more information.


The following subcommands are available:

info OPTIONSGets information about the authentication in use.
ls OPTIONSLists available regions to authenticate.
use OPTIONS REGION_NAME_OR_HOST_OR_IDSwitches to a different region. You can pass the region name, the region host URL, or the region index after listing available regions with tb auth ls. For example, tb auth use us-east.


The following options are available to tb auth and its subcommands:

--host TEXTTinybird host. Defaults to the value of the TB_HOST environment variable, then to https://api.tinybird.co.
--token TEXTAuthentication token. Defaults to the value of the TB_TOKEN environment variable, then to the .tinyb file.
--region TEXTRegion to authenticate to.
--connector [bigquery]Set credentials for one of the supported connectors.
-i / --interactiveInteractive mode.