tb datasource

Manages data sources. The following subcommands are available:

analyze URL_OR_FILEAnalyzes a URL or a file before creating a new data source.
append DATASOURCE_NAME URLAppends data to an existing data source from URL, local file or a connector. For example, tb datasource append my_datasource https://my_url.com.
dataPrints data returned by an endpoint.
delete [OPTIONS] DATASOURCE_NAMEDeletes rows from a data source.
ls [OPTIONS]Lists data sources.
replace DATASOURCE_NAME URLReplaces the data in a data source from a URL, local file or a connector.
truncate [OPTIONS] DATASOURCE_NAMETruncates a data source.

tb datasource data

Prints data returned by an endpoint.

--limit INTEGERLimits the number of rows to return.

tb datasource delete

Deletes a data source. For example, tb datasource delete my_datasource --wait.

--yesDoes not ask for confirmation.
--waitWaits for delete job to finish.
--dry-runRuns the command without deleting anything.

tb datasource ls

Lists data sources.

--match TEXTRetrieves any resource matching the pattern.
--format [json]Returns the results in the specified format.

tb datasource truncate

Truncates a data source. For example, tb datasource truncate my_datasource.

--yesDoes not ask for confirmation.
--cascadeTruncates the dependent data source attached in cascade to the given data source.