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Real-Time Python Dashboard

A real-time Python dashboard with Tinybird

Real-Time Python Dashboard

Build a real-time dashboard in Python using Tinybird and Dash. To learn more about this implementation, check out the blog post.


Set up the project

python -mvenv .e
. .e/bin/activate
echo ".e*" >> .gitignore
pip install requirements.txt
pip install tinybird-cli  # to work with Tinybird

Deploy the project

Fork and deploy the project to Tinybird. Alternatively, use the tinybird-cli to push to a Workspace or use Tinybird Local.

Append sample data

npm install -G @tinybirdco/mockingbird-cli
echo "node_modules" >> .gitignore

export TINYBIRD_HOST=https://api.tinybird.co  # or use your Tinybird region host
export TINYBIRD_TOKEN=<your_user_admin_token>  # https://app.tinybird.co/tokens
mockingbird-cli tinybird \
--template "Flight Bookings" \
--eps 10  \
--endpoint=$TINYBIRD_HOST \
--datasource=flight_bookings \

Run the dashboard

python app.py

Open to view your real-time dashboard

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