S3 Sink

Tinybird's S3 Sink allows you to offload data to Amazon S3, either on a pre-defined schedule or on demand. It's good for a variety of different scenarios where Amazon S3 is the common ground, for example:

  • You're building a platform on top of Tinybird, and need to send data extracts to your clients on a regular basis.
  • You want to export new records to Amazon S3 every day, so you can load them into Snowflake to run ML recommendation jobs.
  • You need to share the data you have in Tinybird with other systems in your organization, in bulk.

The Tinybird S3 Sink feature is available for Professional and Enterprise plans (see "Tinybird plans"). If you are on a Build plan but want to access this feature, you can upgrade to Professional directly from your account Settings, or contact us at support@tinybird.co.

Tinybird represents Sinks using the icon.

About Tinybird's S3 Sink

How it works

Tinybird's S3 Sink is fully managed and requires no additional tooling. You create a new connection to an Amazon S3 bucket, then choose a Pipe whose result gets written to Amazon S3. Tinybird provides you with complete observability and control over the executions, resulting files, their size, data transfer, and more.

Why S3?

Amazon S3 is very commonly used in data. Almost every service offers a way to import data from Amazon S3 (or S3-compatible storage). This Sink Connector enables you to use Tinybird's analytical capabilities to transform your data and provide it for onward use via Amazon S3 files.

Sink Pipes

The Sink connector is built on Tinybird's Sink Pipes, an extension of the Pipes concept, similar to Copy Pipes. Sink Pipes allow you to capture the result of a Pipe at a moment in time, and store the output. Currently, Amazon S3 is the only service Tinybird's Sink Pipes support. Sink Pipes can be run on a schedule, or executed on demand.

Supported regions

The Tinybird S3 Sink feature only supports exporting data to the following AWS regions:

  • us-east-*
  • us-west-*
  • eu-central-*
  • eu-west-*
  • eu-south-*
  • eu-north-*


To use the Tinybird S3 Sink feature, you should be familiar with Amazon S3 buckets and have the necessary permissions to set up a new policy and role in AWS.

Scheduling considerations

The schedule applied to a Sink Pipe doesn't guarantee that the underlying job executes immediately at the configured time. The job is placed into a job queue when the configured time elapses. It is possible that, if the queue is busy, the job could be delayed and executed after the scheduled time.

To reduce the chances of a busy queue affecting your Sink Pipe execution schedule, we recommend distributing the jobs over a wider period of time rather than grouped close together.

For Enterprise customers, these settings can be customized. Reach out to your Customer Success team or email us at support@tinybird.co.

Query parameters

You can add query parameters to your Sink Pipes, the same way you do in API Endpoints or Copy Pipes.

  • For on-demand executions, you can set parameters when you trigger the Sink Pipe to whatever values you wish.
  • For scheduled executions, the default values for the parameters will be used when the Sink Pipe runs.

Set up

The setup process involves configuring both Tinybird and AWS:

  1. Create your Pipe and promote it to Sink Pipe
  2. Create the AWS S3 connection
  3. Choose the scheduling options
  4. Configure destination path and file names
  5. Preview and trigger your new Sink Pipe

Using the UI

1. Create a Pipe and promote it to Sink Pipe

In the Tinybird UI, create a Pipe and write the query that produces the result you want to export. In the top right "Create API Endpoint" menu, select "Create Sink". In the modal, choose the destination (Amazon S3), and enter the bucket name and region.

Follow the step-by-step process on the modal to guide you through the AWS setup steps, or use the docs below.

2. Create the AWS S3 Connection

2.1. Create the S3 access policy

First, create an IAM policy that grants the IAM role permissions to write to S3. Open the AWS console and navigate to IAM > Policies, then select “Create Policy”:


On the “Specify Permissions” screen, select “JSON” and paste the policy generated in the UI by clicking on the Copy icon. It'll look like something like this:

    "Version": "2012-10-17",
    "Statement": [
            "Effect": "Allow",
            "Action": [
            "Resource": "arn:aws:s3:::<bucket>/<prefix>/*"
            "Effect": "Allow",
            "Action": [
            "Resource": "arn:aws:s3:::<bucket>"

Select “Next”, add a memorable name in the following dialog box (you’ll need it later!), and select “Create Policy”.

2.2. Create the IAM role

In the AWS console, navigate to IAM > Roles and select “Create Role”:


On the “Select trusted entity” dialog box, select the "Custom trust policy” option. Copy the generated JSON and paste in into the Tinybird UI modal. Select "Next".

On the “Add permissions” screen, find the policy for S3 access you just created and tick the checkbox to the left of it. Select "Next" and give it a meaningful name and description. Confirm that the trusted entities and permissions granted are the expected ones, and select "Create Role".

You’ll need the role’s ARN (Amazon Resource Name) in order to create the connection in the next step. To save you having to come back and look for it, go to IAM > Roles and browse the search box for the role you just created. Select it to open more role details, including the role's ARN. Copy it down somewhere you can find it easily again. It'll look like something like arn:aws:iam::111111111111:role/my-awesome-role.

Return to Tinybird's UI and enter the role ARN and Connection name in the modal. The Connection to AWS S3 is now created in Tinybird, and can be reused in multiple Sinks. 🎉 !

3. Choose the scheduling options

You can configure your Sink to run "on demand" 9meaning you'll need to manually trigger it) or using a cron expression, so it runs automatically when needed.

4. Configure destination path and file names

Enter the bucket URI where files will be generated (you can use subfolders), and the file name template. When generating multiple files, the Sink creates them using this template. You have multiple ways to configure this - see the File template section below.

5. Preview and create

The final step is to check and confirm that the preview matches what you expect.

🎉 Congratulations! You've created your first Sink.

Trigger it manually using the "Run Sink now" option in the top right menu, or wait for the next scheduled execution.

When triggering a Sink Pipe you have the option of overriding several of its settings, like format or compression. Refer to the Sink Pipes API spec for the full list of parameters.

Once the Sink Pipe is triggered, it creates a standard Tinybird job that can be followed via the v0/jobs API.

Using the CLI

1. Create the AWS S3 Connection

To create a connection for an S3 Sink Pipe you need to use a CLI version equal to or higher than 3.5.0.

To start:

  1. Run the tb connection create s3_iamrole command.
  2. Copy the suggested policy and replace the two bucket placeholders with your bucket name.
  3. Log into your AWS Console.
  4. Create a new policy in AWS IAM > Policies using the copied text.

In the next step, you'll need the role's ARN (Amazon Resource Name) to create the connection. Go to IAM > Roles and browse the search box for the role you just created. Select it to open more role details, including the role's ARN. Copy it and paste it into the CLI when requested. It'll look like something like arn:aws:iam::111111111111:role/my-awesome-role.

Then, you will need to type the region where the bucket is located and choose a name to identify your connection within Tinybird. Once you have completed all these inputs, Tinybird will check access to the bucket and create the connection with the connection name you selected.

2. Create S3 Sink Pipe

To create a Sink Pipe, create a regular .pipe and filter the data you want to export to your bucket in the SQL section as in any other Pipe. Then, specify the Pipe as a sink type and add the needed configuration. Your Pipe should have the following structure:

NODE node_0

    SELECT *
    FROM events
    WHERE time >= toStartOfMinute(now()) - interval 30 minute)

TYPE sink
EXPORT_BUCKET_URI "s3://tinybird-sinks"
EXPORT_FILE_TEMPLATE "daily_prices" # Supports partitioning
EXPORT_SCHEDULE "*/5 * * * *" # Optional

Sink Pipe parameters

See the Sink Pipe parameter docs for more information. For this step, your details will be:

EXPORT_CONNECTION_NAMEstringRequired. The connection name to the destination service. This the connection created in Step 1.
EXPORT_BUCKET_URIstringRequired. The path to the destination bucket. Example: s3://tinybird-export
EXPORT_FILE_TEMPLATEstringRequired. The target file name. Can use parameters to dynamically name and partition the files. See File partitioning section below. Example: daily_prices_{customer_id}
EXPORT_FORMATstringOptional. The output format of the file. Values: CSV, NDJSON, Parquet. Default value: CSV
EXPORT_COMPRESSIONstringOptional. Accepted values: none, gz for gzip, br for brotli, xz for LZMA, zst for zstd. Default: none
EXPORT_SCHEDULEstringA crontab expression that sets the frequency of the Sink operation or the @on-demand string.

Once ready, push the datafile to your Workspace using tb push (or tb deploy if you are using version control) to create the Sink Pipe.

File template

The export process allows you to partition the result in different files, allowing you to organize your data and get smaller files. The partitioning is defined in the file template and based on the values of columns of the result set.

Partition by column

Add a template variable like {COLUMN_NAME} to the file name. For instance, let’s set the file template as invoice_summary_{customer_id}.csv.

Imagine your query schema and result for an export is like this:


With the given file template invoice_summary_{customer_id}.csv you’d get 3 files:







Values format

In the case of DateTime columns, it can be dangerous to partition just by the column. Why? Because you could end up with as many files as seconds, as they’re the different values for a DateTime column. In an hour, that’s potentially 3600 files.

To help partition in a sensible way, you can add a format string to the column name using the following placeholders:

%mMonth as an integer number (01-12)06
%dDay of the month, zero-padded (01-31)07
%HHour in 24h format (00-23)14
%iMinute (00-59)45

For instance, for a result like this:

2023-07-07 09:07:05INV2023060823.45
2023-07-07 09:07:0112345INV12.3
2023-07-07 09:06:45INV-ABC-78935.34
2023-07-07 09:05:35INVOICE2023-06-0857
2023-07-06 23:14:05INV-XYZ-9876523.16
2023-07-06 23:14:02INV210608-00162.23
2023-07-06 23:10:55987INV65436.23

Note that all 7 events have different times in the column timestamp. Using a file template like invoices_{timestamp} would create 7 different files.

If you were interested in writing one file per hour, you could use a file template like invoices_{timestamp, ‘%Y%m%d-%H’}. You'd then get only two files for that dataset:


2023-07-07 09:07:05INV2023060823.45
2023-07-07 09:07:0112345INV12.3
2023-07-07 09:06:45INV-ABC-78935.34
2023-07-07 09:05:35INVOICE2023-06-0857


2023-07-06 23:14:05INV-XYZ-9876523.16
2023-07-06 23:14:02INV210608-00162.23
2023-07-06 23:10:55987INV65436.23

By number of files

You also have the option to write the result into X files. Instead of using a column name, use an integer between brackets.

Example: invoice_summary.{8}.csv

This is convenient to reduce the file size of the result, especially when the files are meant to be consumed by other services, like Snowflake where uploading big files is discouraged.

The results are written in random order. This means that the final result rows would be written in X files, but you can’t count the specific order of the result.

There are a maximum of 16 files.

Combining different partitions

It’s possible to add more than one partitioning parameter in the file template. This is useful, for instance, when you do a daily dump of data, but want to export one file per hour.

Setting the file template as invoices/dt={timestamp, ‘%Y-%m-%d’}/H{timestamp, ‘%H}.csv would create the following file structure in different days and executions:

├── dt=2023-07-07
│   └── H23.csv
│   └── H22.csv
│   └── H21.csv
│   └── ...
├── dt=2023-07-06
│   └── H23.csv
│   └── H22.csv

You can also mix column names and number of files. For instance, setting the file template as invoices/{customer_id}/dump_{4}.csv would create the following file structure in different days and executions:

├── ACME
│   └── dump_0.csv
│   └── dump_1.csv
│   └── dump_2.csv
│   └── dump_3.csv
│   └── dump_0.csv
│   └── dump_1.csv
│   └── dump_2.csv
│   └── dump_3.csv

Be careful with excessive partitioning. Take into consideration that the write process will create as many files as combinations of the values of the partitioning columns for a given result set.

Iterating a Sink Pipe

Sink Pipes can be iterated using version control just like any other resource in your Data Project. However, you need to understand how connections work in Branches and deployments in order to select the appropriate strategy for your desired changes.

Branches don't execute on creation by default recurrent jobs, like the scheduled ones for Sink Pipes (they continue executing in Production as usual).

To iterate a Sink Pipe, create a new one (or recreate the existing one) with the desired configuration. The new Sink Pipe will start executing from the Branch too (without affecting the unchanged production resource). It will use the new configuration and export the new files into a branch-specific folder my_bucket/<prefix>/branch_<branch_id>/ (the <prefix> is optional). This means you can test the changes without mixing the test resource with your production exports.

When you deploy that Branch, the specific folder in the path is automatically ignored and production continues to point to my_bucket/prefix/ or the new path you changed.

Take into account that, for now, while you can change the Sink Pipe configuration using version control, new connections to S3 must be created directly in the Workspace.

There is an example about how to create a Pipe Sink to S3 with version control here.


Sink Pipes operations are logged in the tinybird.sinks_ops_log Service Data Source.

Data Transfer incurred by Sink Pipes is tracked in tinybird.data_transfer Service Data Source.

Limits & quotas

Check the limits page for limits on ingestion, queries, API Endpoints, and more.


Tinybird uses two metrics for billing Sink Pipes: Processed Data and Data Transfer. A Sink Pipe executes the Pipe’s query (Processed Data), and writes the result into a Bucket (Data Transfer). If the resulting files are compressed, Tinybird accounts for the compressed size.

Processed Data

Any Processed Data incurred by a Sink Pipe is charged at the standard rate for your account. The Processed Data is already included in your plan, and counts towards your commitment. If you're on an Enterprise plan, view your plan and commitment on the Organizations tab in the UI.

Data Transfer

Data Transfer depends on your environment. There are two scenarios:

  • The destination bucket is in the same cloud provider and region as your Tinybird Workspace: $0.01 / GB
  • The destination bucket is in a different cloud provider or region as your Tinybird Workspace: $0.10 / GB

Enterprise customers

We're including 50 GB for free for every Enterprise customer, so you can test the feature and validate your use case. After that, we're happy to set up a meeting to understand your use case and adjust your contract accordingly, to accommodate the necessary Data Transfer.

Next steps
