tb materialization

Manage materialized views. The following subcommands are available:

lsLists materialized views.
populatePopulates a materialized view.

tb materialization ls

Lists materialized views.

--match TEXTRetrieves any resource matching the pattern.
--format [json]Returns the results in the specified format.

tb materialization populate

Populates a materialized view.

--node TEXTName of the materialized node.
--sql-condition TEXTPopulates with a SQL condition to be applied to the trigger data source of the Materialized View. For instance, --sql-condition='date == toYYYYMM(now())' populates taking all the rows from the trigger data source where date is the current month. Use it together with --populate.
--truncateTruncates the materialized data source before populating it.
--unlink-on-populate-errorIf the populate job fails the materialized view is unlinked and new data won't be ingested in the materialized view. First time a populate job fails, the materialized view is always unlinked.
--waitWaits for populate jobs to finish, showing a progress bar. Disabled by default.