API Overview

You can control Tinybird services using the API. This is an alternative way to interact with Tinybird, along with the UI and CLI.

There are several APIs available to interact with Tinybird:

API nameFunction
Analyze APIAnalyze a given NDJSON, CSV, or Parquet file to generate a Tinybird Data Source schema.
Data Sources APIList, create, update or delete your Tinybird Data Sources, and insert or delete data from Data Sources.
Events APIIngest NDJSON events with a simple HTTP POST request.
Jobs APIGet details on Tinybird jobs, and list the jobs for the last 48 hours or the last 100 jobs.
Pipes APIInteract with your Pipes (including Pipes themselves, API Endpoints, Materialized Views, and managing Copy jobs).
Query APIQuery your Pipes and Data Sources inside Tinybird as if you were running SQL statements against a regular database.
Environment Variables APICreate, update, delete, and list variables that can be used in Pipes in a Workspace.
Sink Pipes APICreate, delete, schedule, and trigger Sink Pipes.
Tokens APIList, create, update or delete your Tinybird Static Tokens.

Requests to Tinybird's API Endpoints must be made over TLS (HTTPS). All response bodies, including errors, are encoded in JSON.

You can get information on several Workspace operations by monitoring your jobs, using either the APIs or the built-in Tinybird Service Data Sources.

Regions and endpoints

A Workspace belongs to one region. The API for each region has a specific API base URL that you will use to make API requests.

The following table lists the current regions and their corresponding API base URLs:

Current Tinybird regions

RegionProviderProvider regionAPI base URL
US EastGCPus-east4https://api.us-east.tinybird.co
US EastAWSus-east-1https://api.us-east.aws.tinybird.co
US WestAWSus-west-2https://api.us-west-2.aws.tinybird.co

Tinybird documentation uses https://api.tinybird.co as the default example API base URL in code snippets. If you are not using the Europe GCP region, you will need to replace this with the API base URL for your region.


Tinybird makes use of Tokens for every API call. This ensures that each user/application can only access data that they are authorized to access. Learn more about Tokens.

All API requests must be made over HTTPS. Calls made over plain HTTP will fail. API requests without authentication will also fail.

Replace the Tinybird API hostname/region with the right API URL region that matches your Workspace. Your Token lives in the Workspace under "Tokens".

There are two ways two authenticate your requests in the Tinybird API.

1. Authorization header

You can send a "Bearer authorization" header. With curl this would look like -H "Authorization: Bearer <token>".

If you have a valid Token with read access to the particular Data Source, you should be able to get a successful response by sending the following request:

Authorization header Authenticated request
curl \
-X GET \
-H "Authorization: Bearer <token>" \

2. URL parameter

You can also specify the Token via a parameter in the URL, using token=<token>.

The following request is equivalent to the previous one:

URL parameter authenticated request
curl -X GET \


Tinybird's API returns standard HTTP success or error status codes. For errors, we will also include extra information about what went wrong encoded in the response as JSON. The various HTTP status codes we might return are listed below.

Response codes

Code Description
200No error
400Bad request. This could be due to a missing parameter in a request, for instance
403Forbidden. Provided auth token doesn't have the right scope or the Data Source is not available
404Not found
405HTTP Method not allowed
408Request timeout (e.g. query execution time was exceeded)
409You need to resubmit the request due to a conflict with the current state of the target source (e.g.: you need to delete a Materialized View)
411No valid Content-Length header containing the length of the message-body
413The message body is too large
429Too many requests. When over the rate limits of your account
500Unexpected error


Check the limits page for limits on ingestion, queries, API Endpoints, and more.


All Tinybird APIs are versioned with a version string specified in the base URL. We encourage you to always use the latest API available.

When versioning our web services, we follow semantic versioning rules. Given a version number MAJOR.MINOR.PATCH, we increment the:

  • MAJOR version when you make incompatible API changes,
  • MINOR version when you add functionality in a backwards-compatible manner, and
  • PATCH version when you make backwards-compatible bug fixes.

Forbidden names

Words below are considered as reserved words and cannot be used to name Data Sources, Pipes, Nodes or Workspaces. Case of the words is ignored.

Array, Boolean, Date, Date32, DateTime, DateTime32, DateTime64, Decimal, Decimal128, Decimal256, Decimal32, Decimal64, Enum, Enum16, Enum8, FixedString, Float32, Float64, IPv4, IPv6, Int128, Int16, Int256, Int32, Int64, Int8, MultiPolygon, Point, Polygon, Ring, String, TABLE, UInt128, UInt16, UInt256, UInt32, UInt64, UInt8, UUID, _temporary_and_external_tables, add, after, all, and, anti, any, array, as, asc, asof, between, by, case, collate, column, columns, cross, cube, custom_error, day_diff, default, defined, desc, distinct, else, end, enumerate_with_last, error, exists, from, full, functions, generateRandom, global, group, having, if, ilike, in, inner, insert, interval, into, join, left, like, limit, limits, max, min, not, null, numbers_mt, on, one, or, order, outer, prewhere, public, right, sample, select, semi, split_to_array, sql_and, sql_unescape, system, table, then, tinybird, to, union, using, where, with, zeros_mt

Pipe, Data Source and Node names are globally unique. You cannot use an alias for a column that matches a globally unique name.