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Export query results to Markdown table

You might want to export the results of your query as a nicely formatted Markdown table.

For example, take the following query with the default output:

number AS number,
now() AS date
FROM numbers(10)

02022-09-22 08:38:59
12022-09-22 08:38:59
22022-09-22 08:38:59
32022-09-22 08:38:59
42022-09-22 08:38:59
52022-09-22 08:38:59
62022-09-22 08:38:59
72022-09-22 08:38:59
82022-09-22 08:38:59
92022-09-22 08:38:59

ClickHouse supports a variety of alternative output formats, but you can use FORMAT Template to export data using your own custom format template.

First, you must create a table template, which is used to display the entire result set. Save this as /tmp/rows.format.


Next, create a row template, which is used to display each individual row of the result set. Save this as /tmp/row.format.


Finally, to export the results into a Markdown file using your templates, use the following query:

number AS number,
now() AS date
FROM numbers(10) INTO OUTFILE '/tmp/'
FORMAT Template
format_template_resultset = '/tmp/rows.format',
format_template_row = '/tmp/row.format',
format_template_rows_between_delimiter = '';

The contents of your output file will look like this:

|0|"2022-09-22 08:47:52"|
|1|"2022-09-22 08:47:52"|
|2|"2022-09-22 08:47:52"|
|3|"2022-09-22 08:47:52"|
|4|"2022-09-22 08:47:52"|
|5|"2022-09-22 08:47:52"|
|6|"2022-09-22 08:47:52"|
|7|"2022-09-22 08:47:52"|
|8|"2022-09-22 08:47:52"|
|9|"2022-09-22 08:47:52"|