Stream from Google Pub/Sub

In this guide you'll learn how to send data from Google Pub/Sub to Tinybird.


Tinybird is a Google Cloud partner & supports integrating with Google Cloud services.

Google Pub/Sub is often used as a messaging middleware that decouples event stream sources from the end destination. Pub/Sub streams are usually consumed by Google's DataFlow which can send events on to destinations such as BigQuery, BigTable, or Google Cloud Storage.

This DataFlow pattern works with Tinybird too, however, Pub/Sub also has a feature called Push subscriptions which can forward messages directly from Pub/Sub to Tinybird. The following guide steps use the subscription approach.

Push messages from Pub/Sub to Tinybird

1. Create a Pub/Sub topic

Start by creating a topic in Google Pub/Sub following the Google Pub/Sub documentation.

2. Create a push subscription

Next, create a Push subscription in Pub/Sub.

Set the Delivery Type to Push.

In the Endpoint URL field, ue the following snippet (which uses the Tinybird Events API) and pass your own Token, which you can find in your Workspace > Tokens:

Endpoint URL<Data Source name>&token=<Static token>

Replace the Tinybird API hostname/region with the right API URL region that matches your Workspace. Your Token lives in the Workspace under "Tokens".

If you are sending single-line JSON payload through Pubsub, tick the Enable payload unwrapping option to enable unwrapping. This means that data is not base64 encoded before sending it to Tinybird. If you are sending any other format via Pubsub, leave this unchecked (you'll need to follow the decoding steps at the bottom of this guide).

Set Retry policy to Retry after exponential backoff delay. Set the Minimum backoff to 1 and Maximum backoff to 60.

You don't need to create the Data Source in advance, it will automatically be created for you. This snippet also includes the wait=true parameter, which is explained in the Events API docs.

3. Send sample messages

Generate and send some sample messages to test your connection. If you don't have your own messages to test, use this this script.

4. Check the Data Source

Pub/sub will start to push data to Tinybird. Check the Tinybird UI to see that the Data Source has been created and events are arriving.

(Optional) Decode the payload

If you enabled the Enable payload unwrapping option, there is nothing else to do.

However, if you are not sending single-line JSON payloads (NDJSON, JOSNL) through Pubsub, you'll need to continue to base64 encode data before sending it to Tinybird. When the data arrived in Tinybird, you can decode it using the base64Decode function, like this:

    message_message_id as message_id,
    base64Decode(message_data) as message_data
  FROM events_demo

Next steps
