Monitoring with Tinybird Organizations

The Tinybird Organizations feature is only available to Enterprise plan customers (see "Tinybird plans").

The Tinybird Organizations section allows enterprise customers to monitor their consolidated Tinybird usage in one place. It provides a single dashboard for the overview of all Workspaces within an Organization, and enables specific Workspace-level actions. It includes dashboards for monitoring consumption of stor age and processed data, Workspaces, and Organization members. Consumption data is also available via a HTTP API.

Tinybird Organizations is split into 4 areas:

  • Overview
  • Workspaces
  • Members
  • Monitoring

Access the Organizations UI

You must be an Organization admin to access the Organizations UI. To access the Organizations UI, select your Workspace name at the top left of the Tinybird UI, then select your Organization name (below the Region name).

If you want to add someone else as an Organization admin to have access to this page, you can now do it yourself through the Tinybird UI.

  1. Navigate to the Organizations page.
  2. Go to the Members section.
  3. Locate the user you want to make an Organization admin.
  4. Check the "Organization Admin" checkbox next to their name.

This will grant the selected user Organization admin access.

Consumption overview

The Overview page shows details about your platform usage against your billing plan commitment followed by a detailed breakdown of your consumption:


Note that only billable Workspaces are included in this view. Non-billable Workspaces are included in the Workspaces tab.

Processed data

The metric on the left shows an aggregated summary of your processed data. This is aggregated across all billable Workspaces included in your plan. Processed data is cumulative over the plan's billing period.


The center metric shows an aggregated summary of your current storage. This is aggregated across all billable Workspaces included in your plan. Storage is the maximum storage used in the past day.


The metric on the right shows the details of your current contract, including the plan type and start/end dates of your plan period. If your plan includes usage limits (e.g. commitments on an Enterprise plan) your commitment details are also shown here.

For both the Processed data and Storage metrics, the summary covers the current billing period: For Enterprise plans this covers the term of your current contract. For monthly plans, it is the current month.

Below the summary, this page shows you a breakdown of Processed data and Storage per Workspace and Data Source. The calculation of these metrics is the same as explained above for the summary section, but on an individual basis.

Organization Service Data Sources

The charts in the Overview page get their data from Organization Service Data Sources. The complete list of available ones is:

  • organization.workspaces: lists all Organization Workspaces and related information (name, IDs, databases, plan, when it was created, and whether it has been soft-deleted).
  • organization.processed_data: information related to all processed data per day per workspace.
  • organization.datasources_storage: equivalent to tinybird.datasources_storage but with data for all Organization Workspaces.
  • organization.pipe_stats: equivalent to tinybird.pipe_stats but with data for all Organization Workspaces.
  • organization.datasources_ops_log: equivalent to tinybird.datasources_ops_log but with data for all Organization Workspaces.
  • organization.data_transfer: equivalent to tinybird.data_transfer but with data for all Organization Workspaces.
  • organization.jobs_log: equivalent to tinybird.jobs_log but with data for all Organization Workspaces.
  • organization.sinks_ops_log: equivalent to tinybird.sinks_ops_log but with data for all Organization Workspaces.
  • organization.bi_stats: equivalent to tinybird.bi_stats but with data for all Organization Workspaces.
  • organization.bi_stats_rt: equivalent to tinybird.bi_stats_rt but with data for all Organization Workspaces.

Only Organization Admins are able to run these queries. To query these Organization Service Data Sources, go to any Workspace that belongs to the Organization, and use these as you would a regular Service Data Source from the Playground or within Pipes. Use the admin user@domain Token of an Organization Admin. You can also copy your user admin Token and make queries using your preferred method, like tb sql.


This page displays details of all of your Workspaces, their consumption, and whether they are billable or not. Using the date range selector at the top of the page, you can adjust the time period of the data displayed in the table.

The table shows the following information:

  • Workspace name
  • Processed data: Processed data is cumulative over the selected time range.
  • Storage: Storage is the maximum storage used on the last day of the selected time range.
  • Plan type: Billable or free. Usage in a billable Workspace counts towards your billing plan.

New Workspaces that are created by a user with an email domain linked to (or matching) an Organization are automatically added to that Organization. The new Workspace then automatically shows up here in your Organization's Consumption metrics and listed Workspaces. If you encounter any challenges with creating a new Workspace in your Organization, contact

To delete Workspace, select the checkbox to the left of a Workspace name, followed by the Delete button. You do not need to be a user in that Workspace to delete it.


This page shows details of your Organization members, the Workspaces they belong to, and their roles.

User roles:

  • Admins can do everything in the Workspace.
  • Guests can do most things, but they can't delete Workspaces, invite/remove users, or share Data Sources across Workspaces.
  • Viewers can't edit anything in the main Workspace Branch, but they can use Playgrounds to query the data and create/edit Branches.

The table on this page shows the following information:

  • Email
  • Workspaces and roles

To view the detail of a member’s Workspaces and roles, select the arrow next to the Workspace count. A dropdown menu shows all the Workspaces that user is part of, plus their role in each Workspace.

To change a user’s role or remove them from a Workspace, hover over the Workspace name and follow the > arrow. Select a new role from “Admin”, “Guest”, or “Viewer”, or remove them from the Workspace. You do not need to be a user in that Workspace to make changes to its users. As mentioned above, you can also make a user an Organization admin from this page.

Monitoring endpoints

To monitor the usage of your Organization we recommend using the Organization Service Data Sources listed under the Consumption overview section.

This shows details about the APIs that enable you to export, or integrate external tools with, your consumption data.

There are two APIs available:

Processed data

The first API (see Mark 1 below) shows a daily aggregated summary of your processed data per Workspaces.


The last API (see Mark 2 below) shows a daily aggregated summary of your current storage per Workspaces.


You can select the time frame by editing the parameters in the url.

Processed data

dayDateTimeDay of the record
workspace_idStringID of the Workspace.
read_bytesUInt64Bytes read in the Workspace that day
written_bytesUInt64Bytes written in the Workspace that day


dayDateTimeDay of the record
workspace_idStringID of the Workspace.
bytesUInt64Maximum Bytes stored in the Workspace that day
bytes_quarantineUInt64Maximum Bytes stored in the Workspace quarantine that day