🤩Canva designs user-facing analytics with Tinybird.Read their story.


From Snowflake to APIs in minutes

Tinybird is the speed layer for your data warehouse. Ingest data from Snowflake, join it to event streams, query it with SQL, and publish low-latency APIs to power your applications.
Get started for free
No credit card required

Trusted in production by engineers at...

Connect in a click
Start ingesting instantly with our first-party Snowflake Connector. Just point, click, and capture the Snowflake data you need.
It's all SQL
Use SQL to ingest the data you need from Snowflake. Then use SQL to query, shape, and join your Snowflake data with other sources.
Automated, documented APIs
Instantly publish your queries into fully documented, parameterized HTTP endpoints ready to scale in production.
Completely secure
Use Auth tokens to manage access to endpoints, and implement flexible access policies with support for row-level security.

Build things with data in minutes, not weeks

Ingest, query, and build APIs on your Snowflake data in a matter of minutes. Forget about ETL, infrastructure scale, and complex security rules.
$ tb \
datasource append $DESTINATION_DATA_SOURCE \
   --connector snowflake \
   --sql “select * from $TABLE“
** 🐔
starting export process from snowflake
** 🥚
starting import process
** 🐥 done
Total rows in taxi: 232341
Data appended to data source ‘taxi‘ successfully!
Data pushed to taxi
Ingest Snowflake tables
Quickly and securely automate ingestion from Snowflake with our first-party connector.
Query and shape using SQL
Shape and enrich Snowflake data with other sources using Pipes, a simpler way to write powerful SQL.
Publish your API endpoints
Instantly publish low-latency, high-concurrency, and secure HTTP APIs, with full OpenAPI and Postman documentation.

We accelerate your data, no matter where it is.

Connect data from Relational Databases, Data Warehouses and Data Streams.

Apache Kafka

Confluent Cloud

Google BigQuery


Amazon S3

Google Cloud Storage

Amazon Kinesis

Google Pub/Sub

Build fast data products, faster.

Try Tinybird and bring your data sources together and enable engineers to build with data in minutes. No credit card required, free to get started.
Need more? Contact sales for Enterprise support.