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MCP Server Analytics

Monitor your MCP server logs with Tinybird

MCP Server Analytics

The MCP Server Analytics template uses Python and Typescript logging handlers to send events to the Tinybird Events API, which transforms the events and publishes metrics as Prometheus endpoints that you can integrate with your preferred observability tool.

Set up the project

Fork the GitHub repository and deploy the data project to Tinybird.

Send log events

Using Python

Add the following dependency to your requirements.txt file:


Configure the logging handler:

import logging
from multiprocessing import Queue
from tb.logger import TinybirdLoggingQueueHandler
from dotenv import load_dotenv
TB_API_URL = os.getenv("TB_API_URL")
logger = logging.getLogger('your-logger-name')
handler = TinybirdLoggingQueueHandler(Queue(-1), TB_API_URL, TB_WRITE_TOKEN, 'your-app-name', ds_name="mcp_logs_python")
formatter = logging.Formatter('%(asctime)s - %(name)s - %(levelname)s - %(message)s')

To properly process your log events, add an extra dictionary with the tool, resource, prompt, mcp_server_version and session keys when it applies. That way the provided Tinybird Workspace will be able to process metrics by tool, resource, prompt and session.

logger.info(f"handle_call_tool {name}", extra={"session": session, "tool": name, "mcp_server_version": "0.1.4"})

Using TypeScript

const loggingToken = "<TB_WRITE_TOKEN>";
const loggingEndpoint = "<TB_API_URL>/v0/events?name=mcp_logs";
const loggingSession = crypto.randomUUID();
async function logger(level: string, record: object) {
try {
await fetch(
method: 'POST',
body: JSON.stringify({
timestamp: new Date().toISOString(),
session: loggingSession,
level: level,
record: JSON.stringify(record)
headers: { Authorization: `Bearer ${loggingToken}` }
.then((res: Response) => { /**process.stderr.write("logged");**/ });
} catch (error) {
// process.stderr.write("error logging");

To properly process your log events, add the following keys to the record JSON object:

record = {
"appName": "mcp-tinybird",
"funcName": "handle_call_tool",
"tool": "run-select-query",
"prompt": "",
"resource": "",
"level": "info",
"version": "0.1.4",
"message": "this is a message"

Monitor with Grafana and Prometheus

Add this to your prometheus.yml file:

- job_name: mcp_server
scrape_interval: 15s # Adjust the scrape interval as needed
scheme: 'https'
- targets:
- 'api.tinybird.co' # Adjust this for your region if necessary
metrics_path: '/v0/pipes/api_prometheus.prometheus'
bearer_token: '<your-public-prometheus-token>'

Find <your-public-prometheus-token> in the Tinybird dashboard with the name prometheus.

You should start seeing your metrics in Grafana to build your own dashboards and alerts.

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