S3 Connector

Use the S3 Connector to ingest files from your Amazon S3 buckets into Tinybird so that you can turn them into high-concurrency, low-latency REST APIs. You can load a full bucket or load files that match a pattern. In both cases you can also set an update date from which the files are loaded.

With the S3 Connector you can load your CSV, NDJSON, or Parquet files into your S3 buckets and turn them into APIs. Tinybird detects new files in your buckets and ingests them automatically. You can then run serverless transformations using Data Pipes or implement auth tokens in your API Endpoints.


The S3 Connector requires permissions to access objects in your Amazon S3 bucket. The IAM Role needs the following permissions:

  • s3:GetObject
  • s3:ListBucket
  • s3:ListAllMyBuckets

The following is an example of AWS Access Policy:

When configuring the connector, the UI, CLI and API all provide the necessary policy templates.

    "Version": "2012-10-17",
    "Statement": [
            "Action": [
            "Resource": [
            "Effect": "Allow"
            "Sid": "Statement1",
            "Effect": "Allow",
            "Action": [
            "Resource": [

The following is an example trust policy:

    "Version": "2012-10-17",
    "Statement": [
            "Effect": "Allow",
            "Action": "sts:AssumeRole",
            "Principal": {
                "AWS": "arn:aws:iam::473819111111111:root"
            "Condition": {
                "StringEquals": {
                    "sts:ExternalId": "ab3caaaa-01aa-4b95-bad3-fff9b2ac789f8a9"

Supported file types

The S3 Connector supports the following file types:

File typeAccepted extensionsCompression formats supported
CSV.csv, .csv.gzgzip
NDJSON.ndjson, .ndjson.gzgzip
.jsonl, .jsonl.gz
.json, .json.gz
Parquet.parquet, .parquet.gzsnappy, gzip, lzo, brotli, lz4, zstd

You can upload files with .json extension, provided they follow the Newline Delimited JSON (NDJSON) format. Each line must be a valid JSON object and every line has to end with a \n character.

Parquet schemas use the same format as NDJSON schemas, using JSONPath syntax.

S3 file URI

Use the full S3 File URI and wildcards to select files. The file extension is required.

The S3 Connector supports the following wildcard patterns:

File pathS3 File URI with wildcardWill match?

Use the Preview step in the UI to see an excerpt of the files.

Set up the connection

You can set up an S3 connection using the UI or the CLI. The steps are as follows:

  1. Create a new Data Source in Tinybird.
  2. Create the AWS S3 connection.
  3. Configure the scheduling options and path/file names.
  4. Start ingesting the data.

Load files using the CLI

Before you can load files from Amazon S3 into Tinybird using the CLI, you must create a connection. Creating a connection grants your Tinybird Workspace the appropriate permissions to view files in Amazon S3.

To create a connection, you need to use the Tinybird CLI version 3.8.3 or higher. Authenticate your CLI and switch to the desired Workspace.

Follow these steps to create a connection:

  1. Run tb connection create s3_iamrole --policy read command and press y to confirm.
  2. Copy the suggested policy and replace the bucket placeholder <bucket> with your bucket name.
  3. In AWS, create a new policy in IAM, Policies (JSON) using the edited policy.
  4. Return to the Tinybird CLI, press y, and copy the next policy.
  5. In AWS, go to IAM, Roles and copy the new custom trust policy. Attach the policy you edited in the previous step.
  6. Return to the CLI, press y, and paste the ARN of the role you've created in the previous step.
  7. Enter the region of the bucket. For example, us-east-1.
  8. Provide a name for your connection in Tinybird.

The --policy flag allows to switch between write (sink) and read (ingest) policies.

Now that you've created a connection, you can add a Data Source to configure the import of files from Amazon S3.

Configure the Amazon S3 import using the following options in your .datasource file:

  • IMPORT_SERVICE: name of the import service to use, in this case, s3_iamrole.
  • IMPORT_SCHEDULE: either @auto to sync once per minute, or @on-demand to only execute manually (UTC).
  • IMPORT_STRATEGY: the strategy used to import data. Only APPEND is supported.
  • IMPORT_BUCKET_URI: a full bucket path, including the s3:// protocol , bucket name, object path and an optional pattern to match against object keys. You can use patterns in the path to filter objects. For example, ending the path with *.csv matches all objects that end with the .csv suffix.
  • IMPORT_CONNECTION_NAME: name of the S3 connection to use.
  • IMPORT_FROM_TIMESTAMP: (optional) set the date and time from which to start ingesting files. Format is YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM:SSZ.

When Tinybird discovers new files, it appends the data to the existing data in the Data Source. Replacing data isn't supported.

The following is an example of a .datasource file for S3:

s3.datasource file
    Analytics events landing data source

    `timestamp` DateTime `json:$.timestamp`,
    `session_id` String `json:$.session_id`,
    `action` LowCardinality(String) `json:$.action`,
    `version` LowCardinality(String) `json:$.version`,
    `payload` String `json:$.payload`

ENGINE "MergeTree"
ENGINE_TTL "timestamp + toIntervalDay(60)"

IMPORT_BUCKET_URI s3://bucket-name/*.csv

With your connection created and Data Source defined, you can now push your project to Tinybird using:

tb push

Load files using the UI

1. Create a new Data Source

In Tinybird, go to Data Sources and select Create Data Source.

Select Amazon S3 and enter the bucket name and region, then select Continue.

2. Create the AWS S3 connection

Follow these steps to create the connection:

  1. Open the AWS console and navigate to IAM.
  2. Create and name the policy using the provided copyable option.
  3. Create and name the role with the trust policy using the provided copyable option.
  4. Select Connect.
  5. Paste the connection name and ARN.

3. Select the data

Select the data you want to ingest by providing the S3 File URI and selecting Preview.

You can also set the ingestion to start from a specific date and time, so that the ingestion process ignores all files added or updated before the set date and time:

  1. Select Ingest since ISO date and time.
  2. Write the desired date or datetime in the input, following the format YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM:SSZ.

4. Preview and create

The next screen shows a preview of the incoming data. You can review and modify any of the incoming columns, adjust their names, change their types, or delete them. You can also configure the name of the Data Source.

After reviewing your incoming data, select Create Data Source. On the Data Source details page, you can see the sync history in the tracker chart and the current status of the connection.

Schema evolution

The S3 Connector supports adding new columns to the schema of the Data Source using the CLI.

Non-backwards compatible changes, such as dropping, renaming, or changing the type of columns, aren't supported. Any rows from these files are sent to the quarantine Data Source.

Iterate an S3 Data Source

To iterate an S3 Data Source, use the Tinybird CLI and the version control integration to handle your resources.

Create a connection using the CLI:

tb auth # use the main Workspace admin Token
tb connection create s3_iamrole

To iterate an S3 Data Source through a Branch, create the Data Source using a connector that already exists. The S3 Connector doesn't ingest any data, as it isn't configured to work in Branches. To test it on CI, you can directly append the files to the Data Source.

After you've merged it and are running CD checks, run tb datasource sync <datasource_name> to force the sync in the main Workspace.


The following limits apply to the S3 Connector:

  • When using the auto mode, execution of imports runs once every minute.
  • Tinybird ingests a maximum of 5 files per minute. This is a Workspace-level limit, so it's shared across all Data Sources.

The following limits apply to maximum file size per type:

File typeMax file size
CSV10 GB for the Free plan, 32 GB for Pro and Enterprise
NDJSON10 GB for the Free plan, 32 GB for Pro and Enterprise
Parquet1 GB

Check the limits page for limits on ingestion, queries, API Endpoints, and more.

To adjust these limits, contact Tinybird at support@tinybird.co or in the Community Slack.


You can follow the standard recommended practices for monitoring Data Sources as explained in our ingestion monitoring guide. There are specific metrics for the S3 Connector.

If a sync finishes unsuccessfully, Tinybird adds a new event to datasources_ops_log:

  • If all the files in the sync failed, the event has the result field set to error.
  • If some files failed and some succeeded, the event has the result field set to partial-ok.

Failures in syncs are atomic, meaning that if one file fails, no data from that file is ingested.

A JSON object with the list of files that failed is included in the error field. Some errors can happen before the file list can be retrieved (for instance, an AWS connection failure), in which case there are no files in the error field. Instead, the error field contains the error message and the files to be retried in the next execution.

In scheduled runs, Tinybird retries all failed files in the next executions, so that rate limits or temporary issues don't cause data loss. In on-demand runs, since there is no next execution, truncate the Data Source and sync again.

You can distinguish between individual failed files and failed syncs by looking at the error field:

  • If the error field contains a JSON object, the sync failed and the object contains the error message with the list of files that failed.
  • If the error field contains a string, a file failed to ingest and the string contains the error message. You can see the file that failed by looking at the Options.Values field.

For example, you can use the following query to see the sync error messages for the last day:

SELECT JSONExtractString(error, 'message') message, *
FROM tinybird.datasources_ops_log
    datasource_id = '<datasource_id>'
    AND timestamp > now() - INTERVAL 1 day
    AND message IS NOT NULL
ORDER BY timestamp DESC