Analyze the performance of your API Endpoints

This guide explains how to use pipe_stats and pipe_stats_rt, giving several practical examples that show what you can do with these Service Data Sources.

Tinybird is all about speed. It gives you tools to make real-time queries really quickly, and then even more tools to optimize those queries to make your API Endpoints faster.

Of course, before you optimize, you need to know what to optimize. That's where the Tinybird pipe_stats and pipe_stats_rt Data Sources come in. Whether you're trying to speed up your API Endpoints, track error rates, or reduce scan size and subsequent usage costs, pipe_stats and pipe_stats_rt let you see how your API Endpoints are performing, so you can find performance offenders and get them up to speed.

These Service Data Sources provide performance data and consumption data for every single request, plus you can filter and sort results by Tokens to see who is accessing your API Endpoints and how often.

Confused about the difference between pipe_stats_rt and pipe_stats? pipe_stats provides aggregate stats - like average request duration and total read bytes - per day, whereas pipe_stats_rt offers the same information but without aggregation. Every single request is stored in pipe_stats_rt. The examples in this guide use pipe_stats_rt, but you can use the same logic with pipe_stats if you need more than 7 days of lookback.


You need a high-level understanding of Tinybird's Service Data Sources.

Understand the core stats

In particular, this guide focuses on the following fields in the pipe_stats_rt Service Data Source:

  • pipe_name (String): Pipe name as returned in Pipes API.
  • duration (Float): the duration in seconds of each specific request.
  • read_bytes (UInt64): How much data was scanned for this particular request.
  • read_rows (UInt64): How many rows were scanned.
  • token_name (String): The name of the Token used in a particular request.
  • status_code (Int32): The HTTP status code returned for this particular request.

You can find the full schema for pipe_stats_rt in the API docs.

The value of pipe_name is "query_api" in the event as it's a Query API request. The following section covers how to monitor query performance when using the Query API.

Using the Query API with metadata parameters

If you are using the Query API to run queries in Tinybird you can still track query performance using pipe_stats_rt Service Data Source. You add metadata related to the query as request parameters in addition to any existing parameters already used in your query.

For example, when running a query against the Query API you can leverage a parameter called app_name to track all queries from the "explorer" application. Here's an example using curl:

Using the metadata parameters with the Query API
curl -X POST \
    -H "Authorization: Bearer <PIPE:READ token>" \
    --data "% SELECT * FROM events LIMIT {{Int8(my_limit, 10)}}" \

When you run the following queries, use the parameters attribute to access those queries where app_name equals "explorer":

Simple Parameterized Query
FROM tinybird.pipe_stats_rt
WHERE parameters['app_name'] = 'explorer'

Example 1: Detect errors in your API Endpoints

If you want to monitor the number of errors per Endpoint over the last hour, you could do the following:

Errors in the last hour
count() as error_count
FROM tinybird.pipe_stats_rt
WHERE status_code >= 400
AND start_datetime > now() - INTERVAL 1 HOUR
GROUP BY pipe_name, status_code
ORDER BY status_code desc 

If you have errors, this would return something like:

Pipe_a | 404 | 127
Pipe_b | 403 | 32

With one query, you can see in real time if your API Endpoints are experiencing errors, and investigate further if so.

Example 2: Analyze the performance of API Endpoints over time

You can also use pipe_stats_rt to track how long API calls take using the duration field, and seeing how that changes over time. API performance is directly related to how much data you are reading per request, so if your API Endpoint is dynamic, request duration varies. For instance, it might be receiving start and end date parameters that alter how long a period is being read.

API Endpoint performance over time
   toStartOfMinute(start_datetime) t,
   avg(duration) avg_duration,
   quantile(.95)(duration) p95_duration,
   count() requests
FROM tinybird.pipe_stats_rt
   start_datetime >= {{DateTime(start_date_time, '2022-05-01 00:00:00', description="Start date time")}} AND
   start_datetime < {{DateTime(end_date_time, '2022-05-25 00:00:00', description="End date time")}}
GROUP BY t, pipe_name
ORDER BY t desc, pipe_name

Example 3: Find the Endpoints that process the most data

You might want to find Endpoints that repeatedly scan large amounts of data. These are your best candidates for optimization to reduce time and spend.

Here's an example of using pipe_stats_rt to find the API Endpoints that have processed the most data as a percentage of all processed data in the last 24 hours:

Most processed data last 24 hours
   SELECT sum(read_bytes)
   FROM tinybird.pipe_stats_rt
   start_datetime >= now() - INTERVAL 24 HOUR
   ) as total,
sum(read_bytes) as processed_byte
   quantile(0.9)(duration) as p90,
   formatReadableSize(processed_byte) AS processed_formatted,
   processed_byte*100/total as percentage
FROM tinybird.pipe_stats_rt
   start_datetime >= now() - INTERVAL 24 HOUR
GROUP BY pipe_id
ORDER BY percentage DESC

Modifying to include consumption of the Query API

If you use Tinybird's Query API to query your Data Sources directly, you probably want to include in your analysis which queries are consuming more.

Whenever you use the Query API, the field pipe_name contain the value query_api. The actual query is included as part of the q parameter in the url field. You can modify the query in the previous section to extract the actual SQL query tha's processing the data.

Using the Query API
   SELECT sum(read_bytes)
   FROM tinybird.pipe_stats_rt
   start_datetime >= now() - INTERVAL 24 HOUR
   ) as total,
sum(read_bytes) as processed_byte
   if(pipe_name = 'query_api', normalizeQuery(extractURLParameter(decodeURLComponent(url), 'q')),pipe_name) as pipe_name,
   quantile(0.9)(duration) as p90,
   formatReadableSize(processed_byte) AS processed_formatted,
   processed_byte*100/total as percentage
FROM tinybird.pipe_stats_rt
   start_datetime >= now() - INTE
GROUP BY pipe_name
ORDER BY percentage DESC

Example 4: Monitor usage of Tokens

If you use your API Endpoint with different Tokens, for example if allowing different customers to check their own data, you can track and control which Tokens are being used to access these Endpoints.

Here's an example that shows, for the last 24 hours, the number and size of requests per Token:

Token usage last 24 hours
   count() requests,
   formatReadableSize(sum(read_bytes)) as total_read_bytes,
FROM tinybird.pipe_stats_rt
   start_datetime >= now() - INTERVAL 24 HOUR
GROUP BY token_name
ORDER BY requests DESC

To obtain this information, you can request the Token name (token_name column) or id (token column).

Check the limits page for limits on ingestion, queries, API Endpoints, and more.

Next steps
